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Our d.Lab offers superior roll scans up to 18MB at fantastic value. This is the service of choice for most consumer and volume archive scanning applications. Archiving services can include custom naming & cataloging.
Scans are auto color and contrast adjusted with dust and scratch removal (color negatives only). For more critical applications we recommend our Pro Scan service.
PRO flatbed
Our Epson Scanners deliver superior colour fidelity for originals any size up to 24”x36”. Since it has no rollers, we can scan 3-dimensional originals (such as canvas stretched on deep bars) without fear of damage. Larger sizes may be available – ask for details.
PRO flim
Our Imacon 848 is a superb piece of technology. Offering up to true optical 8000 dpi resolution, a DMax of 4.2, and an exceptionally designed film transport that does not tape or oil your film, makes great scans easier and more affordable than ever. Better than drum-scan quality, great pricing, and fast turnaround make this the scan of choice for critical applications.
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